Changing your password can be done in two ways:
If you are already logged into your account
If you do not have access to your account
All passwords must comply with the following rules or they will not be accepted:
The password must be eight characters or longer
The password must contain at least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
The password must contain at least 1 numeric character
The password must contain at least one special character
If you are already logged into your account
Step 1 - At the top right of your profile select "Change Password"
Step 2 - Enter your old password, and your new password - remember it must comply with the password requirements above
If you do not have access to your account
Step 1 - Go to and select forgotten password
Step 2 - Enter the email address linked to the account
Step 3 - Check your emails - we will send you a link to reset your password, click this link
Step 4 - Enter your new password - remember is must comply with the password rules above